Back in the day when film was ruling the photography world, sometimes the photographers where confronted with the phenomenon of multi-exposure. Usually this happened when, for different reason, film didn’t advance in the camera and the same “frame” on the roll was exposed multiple times. To me, this happened only by accident but I heard (I cannot confirm) that there were certain types of camera that allowed for multi-exposure. The results of the phenomenon were either crap or very interesting but many photographers and viewers liked them.
In the digital era multi-exposure couldn’t be possible unless using certain software, one could create the effect of a multi-exposed photo. This was valid until few years ago when some manufacturers of digital camera realised that there’s a niche in the market and they added the option of multi-exposure in the camera software. Regarding digital photography, I am a Canon user and one of my cameras has this option. And because the option is there, I did try it out in different environment: street and sport. I leave you with the results.
Love these photos.
The second image is haunting. The treble-exposure works incredibly well!